Thursday, March 21, 2013

Hart of Dixie: Distractingly Set in Stars Hollow

Hart of Dixie is a charming little weekly romantic comedy, whose main fault is that they don't even try to hide the fact that it is clearly filmed on the same set as Gilmore Girls, and I find it super distracting (I have the same problem with Pretty Little Liars-- I keep expecting to see Lorelai or Miss Patty or Lane pop around a corner).  There's no Miss Patty, but it *does* have Carl Winslow as a slightly effete gossip blogger.  So there's that.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The best sitcoms you aren't watching. Or maybe you are. I don't know, I'm not you.

I can't really do my usual reviews of sitcoms, since they just don't really fit that format, and there's not a lot to say about individual characters.  After all, most of the comedy comes from the interactions between characters, rather than the characters themselves.  So instead, I'll do a brief round up of my unexpected favorites, plus a few standards that if you aren't watching right now, I don't think I want to know you.