Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Orange is the New Black: I did not see this coming

So I have this post that's 95% done on the Walking Dead that I was planning on posting next, but then I watched all of Orange is the New Black in under a week and I just HAVE to talk about it.  (Don't worry, we'll get to my love of Daryl killing zombies soon.  And I *do* love Daryl.)

But Orange is the New Black is something unlike anything I've ever seen on TV, even if it's only on Netflix Instant.  It's a show created by a woman, based on a book written by another woman, starring a cast of almost all women, the majority of whom are either not white or not straight.  It's a show that treats a gay love story with the same care and attention as a straight love story, and that shows the flexibility of human sexuality in a non-exploitive manner.  It's a show that gives us the stories of people that society has written off, and does so in a non-preachy manner.  Hell, it's a persuasive argument for prison reform wrapped in NPR jokes.