Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The 100: Currently The Best Show on TV

Yeah, you’re probably not watching it, and that’s a shame, because you know what?  Our long-awaited heir to the mantle of “Sci Fi Show That Asks Good Questions About Humanity” previously belonging to LOST and Battlestar Galatica has arrived.

But you probably aren’t watching it because it’s on the CW, and everyone knows that only girls ages 10-17 watch that channel.*  But if you can put aside your prejudice—and let’s remember that our culture reserves an absolutely obscene amount of totally unwarranted derision for “things teenage girls like” but that’s for another post—trust me, it’s worth it.  Now, it’s not without it’s flaws.  In fact, if after reading this you only watch the pilot, I fully expect you to show up on my doorstep with sad puppy dog eyes, asking “How could you?”  (The pilot is garbage, is what I’m saying.)  The pilot was so clearly pitched towards what people think the primary audience of the CW should be that it stumbles out of the gate.  But stick with it—the second episode is leaps and bounds better than the first, and by the fourth episode, it’s phenomenal.

*If you avoid the CW solely because of this idea, you’re missing out my friend.  It really airs a lot of quality TV that is also entertaining.  Arrow, Reign, and The 100 are all shows that are defying the “CW Is for Idiot Girls” stereotype that is in and of itself problematic.