Monday, May 13, 2013

TV Shows that should be on Netflix Instant so I can watch them whenever I want

1) The O.C., because that show was seriously brilliant (if you ignore Marissa, who is the worst).
2) Gilmore Girls, because I'm kind of dying without an infusion of Lorelai-Gilmore-fast-talk and Rory-Gilmore-earnestness.  And Jess.  Always Jess.  But there's too many seasons to own/get on disc rental, so help a girl out, okay Netflix?
3) Chuck, because that show is ADORABLE.
4) Lois and Clark, the New Adventures of Superman, because mid-90s Dean Cain.
5) Semi off topic, but seriously, netflix, stop putting shows that have been on Instant for OVER A YEAR in the "new arrivals" section, because now you're just lying.

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you on all of this, except I own Gilmore Girls on DVD cause I need me a GG fix daily.

    Also, what's up with Netflix taking things off of instant watch because Lois and Clark was on there for a while cause I watched it and remembered just why I loved Dean Cain so much in high school.
