Monday, July 2, 2012

Camelot vs. Merlin: In which I review two shows, one I watched a year ago and the other I've watched for 15 episodes

First, a disclaimer.  As you can see from the title of this post, this is going to be a little ad hoc.  I watched Camelot when it was still on Netflix Instant (I think it was originally on Starz?  Maybe Showtime?), which was at least a year ago, and I really didn't like it enough to rewatch it for this, so I'm a little hazy on the details.  I've also only watched maybe 15 episodes of Merlin so far, so keep that in mind as well.  I plan on judging the shows in head to head combat on their various merits, interpretations of characters, and presence of James Purefoy.  Without further ado, Camelot vs. Merlin: a Battle Royale between two kind of crappy King Arthur shows.